Glad to see youv bring these images to light. I struggle with my documentation of the Covid months. I walked and walked and shot and shot. It's been 4 years but it still feels too raw to appreciate or really understand the images. I've shared them. Submitted them. Exhibited them. Images of aloneness. Emptiness. Pain. Not themes with a huge demand for eyeballs or thoughtful attention at this point. I've resorted to meandering through my catalogs once or twice a year, to check if my perspective has changed on any of them. They still haunt me. So I know I will continue this way until it's time to bring them out fully. But who knows when that will be.

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I sympathize with your heavy heart. It's one of the most prolific experiences the world has seen as a collective. Time is supposed to heal wounds, but--as you know--everyone's time is different.

I understood that from the moment I first set foot out the door to document, I would need to remain focused and not let the fears of the day seep into my head. I wasn't sure what would be a "good" or "right" time to put the images out into the world. It's been four years of looking through the archive and making considerations on how to approach the telling of the stories I wanted to tell.

Thank you for sharing your story with the community here.


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Great post and images. I took several road trips in the early days of the pandemic. It was quite interesting to be in cities where everything was shut down and then in others where everything was totally normal.

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Thank you Craig! I can only imagine what you saw being in an unfamiliar city/town. Observing the energies of the place that seemed out of whack, or offered a sense of visual confusion.


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Startling images Kenneth - love them all - the absence of the human form is eerie and yet very beautiful ...

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Thank you Richard, your response that the images have resonated with you is most appreciated!

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Interesting photographs Kenneth

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Glad to hear that. If a photograph makes you think, it's been successful.

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Sometimes it seems like it just happened. I was recovering from surgery from the August before and had just been released from doctor’s care February 15. I feel like I lost those years.

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I understand totally. From one from of isolation for health reason, to a worldwide health scare encased in isolation. I hope you're completely mended from those years 👍

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