What incredible shots - really love them - especially the 'inside-out' brolly shot ... great stuff.

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I find so many leica YouTube presentations quite intolerable. A presenter would say here are my fotos from Cuba and then some unrelated music syncing with the fotos is supposed to spark some magic to the fotos. I like to hear story description of one's time in Cuba. Just talk about the scenes the people, say something.

In ten frames #3 the captions explains the theme of the story in short but concise details. The presentation follows those deets in foto flow fashion layout and the befitting music only emphasizes or underscores the feeling of a ho-hum day in the rain. Thus leaving the story captivating.

Here the presentation has formed some rules where voice over is not necessary.

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I understand your frustration about YT presentations. I've had occasion over the years in figuring out the amount of time to dedicate to each slideshow within the platform. I've come to the conclusion that the shorter, the better.

Just like you, I'm also dedication more time to Substack rather than other SM platforms. I'll also give J Bruno a visual check.


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obnoxiously I like voice over but fotos are telling along with the caption and over the top with the music in this presentation.. I'm moving more and more to substack. also check out Jeffrey Bruno's work here too. Good Job K

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Hi Brian, I'm not sure of the substance of your comment. Are you stating that you prefer voice overs rather than music? And, that the music is overwhelming? And, you'd rather read captions?

I appreciate any clarity you offer.


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