As the song says, ‘let’s face the music and dance!’

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A tonic! Thank you Kenneth

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It's a pleasure to see and know that the wonderments of life are shareable and transferable as human emotions. Thank you!


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Amazing - made me smile - each image so full of life and vivacity ...

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As I looked at this I felt a smile coming across my face. I watched the video again. It was pure joy that put that smile on my face. Thank you.

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Hi Monica! You've expressed that which is the ultimate response I could ever seek in putting work out into the world--that it resonates in some emotional way with any viewer. Thank you..


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Bravo. 10 years. Keep it going another 10!

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Thank you Mark! Ideas don't end. Why should any project or series? Sure, at some point it's good to determine a point where enough of it is recorded for showing. No where does it state it has to come to an end. IMO


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Nice to see people having a good time!

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It's been a joy to be there every week in the Summer months to see the community center themselves around the joy of music and dance. I revel in photographing all that joy for others to share in.

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