All I am going to say is that I really love your work.

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I graciously thank you for those kind words Monica👍🏽

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Love the images 👏

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Thank you so Richard!

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Hugely interesting. How much more do you have stashed away?

I wonder if you would consider for future frames providing a light voice-over or subtitles to explain the specific context of the shots? I'm not getting the "blackout" aspect of a few of them. (Assuming you have the memory or notes. )

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May 16·edited May 16Author

Hi Mark, thank you for acknowledging the story being of interest. The blackout didn't last long, but the lingering effects were reverberating for a few days. I ventured out two days using four rolls of 120 film of which are depicted August 14 & 15 2003.

Regarding Voice-over, the one-minute format of the video would not fit the use of voice over. The format is to encapsulate themes into minimal-time-consuming visuals. You didn't reference which of the ten frames that you're not "seeing" the blackout in.


1) Gathering ice from the neighborhood ice store

2) Pedestrian signals without power--walk/don't walk

3) Lines at the neighborhood supermarket that has no electricity

4) Public telephones in use, cell phone service disrupted

5) Woman carrying ice home from the neighborhood ice store (crowds in the background waiting to get in.

6) Subway service disrupted. Above ground public transport (bus) heavy traffic

7) Shuttered neighborhood subway station

8) Traffic signals without power, neighbors standing in for traffic control duty

9) Stalled elevated subway train in between stations

10) Independent "Dollar (USD) Vans" (alternative to public busses) being crowded into with people coming out of the subway systems that were disrupted.


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Apologies, I didn't intend for you to go all this way for me! Not having a background to the black out, I thought a more generalized context might help me and others like me. I like the 10 frames format quite a bit, as well as the documentary themes you introduce. Thank you!

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Hi Mark, no worry. I originally thought to publish the images in a standard Substack newsletter format which would have provided more details about the blackout, but changed it in the end.

Here's more background on the history of the 2003 blackout if you'd like. It s a relatively short read. https://www.baruch.cuny.edu/nycdata/disasters/blackouts-2003.html#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20largest%20blackouts,at%20around%202%3A00%20PM.

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