Jul 14ยทedited Jul 14Liked by Kenneth Nelson

Although I enjoy this kind of light reading once in a while ๐Ÿ˜‰ I don't think I've ever thought that deep about my photographs and I am not sure I ever will. Although, I did start my Substack so I 'do more' with my photographs - including the ones I took 15 or 20 years ago. Then at least I look at my photos more often ๐Ÿ™‚

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Hi Ronald! It's the "value" of it all for sure. Creating your Substack to speak or, and share the value of your works. It's difficult for sure if one's archive holds tens of thousands of images, but there are those who have tens of thousands of songs on their playlist and listen to them ardently and repeatedly.

Imagine taking the whole day to listen to 480 of one's favorite songs. Each song being three minutes--that equals 24 hours. The good thing about it is, we can multitask while listening--even passively. There I go again ๐Ÿค” Comparing the value of listening to 480 songs vs looking at 480 images ๐Ÿคจ Not a bad idea....


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So much to unpack. Does a photo exist if it escapes your memory? Is digital Photography a throw away? Does a print impact you as strongly as a digital image? Are you trying to blow our minds? I'm not falling for it. Instead, here's what I have to say: i am sitting in a pub in a neighborhood miles from my home. I have not been in this pub since 2020. With a few clicks, i can tell you the precise date because I have photos of a girl on a lake with a goose that I took after purchasing canned beer to go from this place. Driving into the parking lot a few minutes ago, that image came to mind as if it were yesterday. I know where I was sitting, how i framed the shots, the weather.... everything. The mere memory of the image -- which I have recently viewed, btw -- brought me back to that day and to this pub in a full-body memory. Not simply a vague recollection.

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Hiya Mark! It's some of the heavy mental lifting I've done over the years. I figured not to keep it all to myself a few years ago.

My memory recall is not as acute as it used to be, so photos help me to refresh those memories. I'd like to touch base with you in ten years to see how your memory of this particular pub can be recalled with the accuracy you have today.

Not working to blow the minds of creatives such as yourself. Just hoping to share the expansion of thinking creatively about the art that was, is and has yet to be created by us all.


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I find photo recall falls into two distinct categories: Photos taken OF us, and Photos taken BY us. Those that I take, the recall of details and environment is sharp. As I said, I can often recall my thoughts, position, temperature, etc, even if I took the photos years ago. Those taken OF me, I have little recollection.

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Photographs that are personal can remind us of a time and instill feelings in us. I have some very old postcard photos of my momโ€™s family. After reading this, I want to set aside time and go through my photograph boxes. I prefer the original photos - just holding them in my hands. Your 09/11 photographs are like a history book glancing at how it even affected the people looking at its destruction. Excellent photographs and discussion

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Thank you for your thoughts on this subject Monica. The physicality of a print is one of the most rewarding aspects of photographing in my opinion. It requires just your vision and the print, postcard or book. Typically hanging the treasured prints on a wall. I'm not sure if that practice has run its course in our digital age, I continue to subscribe to hanging photographs on the walls in my home.


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I have thinking about similar things on how photography impacts the way we remember life events and other moments and things. Thank you sharing your point of view.

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Hi Susanne, I believe most creatives have had at least some philosophical thoughts about their processes and the existence of their artistic endeavors in the world. I appreciate your feedback here.


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Wonderful essay. Incredible photos. You are so insightful on the impact of image but also the emotional impact of holding an original print in your hand. Like viewing a painting with your own eyes, even though if a print in a book brought you it first.


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Jul 9ยทedited Jul 9Author

Thank you Patris. Iโ€™m glad to see that the theories resonated with you.


P.S. apologies, spellcheck error corrected ๐Ÿคจ

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