What is striking about your approach is your years of curation. You dig deep, decades deep, and continue to find connection, thematically or compositionally. I'm in awe of this ability and commitment to the process over many years.

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I have to admit that I wouldn't be able to do this as effectively without asset management software like Lightroom. I began using Aperture back in the day until Apple replaced it. LR since then. I'm not sure how effective this would be if I had analog files only since I'm quite dependent on keywords to link my whole archive to view related themes, ideas, visuals and tech details.

I also think most of us have a few recurring ideas, themes, and visual aesthetics that we are grounded to that come to the forefront from time to time. They become evident when we looks back in time to review past photos and see what makes us who we are visually.


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The subway pictures were incredible. I don’t think I’d be able to do that everyday.

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Thank you Monica. I believe that's why many are fighting to keep work from home as an option with their employers. Sadly, maintaining office space is more of a necessity for them.


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